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Local SEO: 4 Features and Benefits of Local SEO Practices

What is local SEO? How is it different from regular SEO? Is it equally as important? All these questions are bound to come up when you learn about marketing. A social media manager works with local SEO when they fine-tune content for local customers. Instagram personal brands can reach out to people in a direct way based on content that speaks to that community.

Local SEO is closely linked to the importance of content creation, as well as how to market to your audience with specificity. It’s tied to the nuances of marketing in your industry and location. Read on to learn what local SEO is, and why it’s important.

4. Local SEO Versus SEO

To talk about local SEO, first, we need to chat about SEO, or search engine optimization, on a broad scale. SEO is the practice of targeting keywords, phrases, and information about a product, service, or industry. In non-targeted SEO, there isn’t a geographical qualification, it’s designed to reach the widest possible audience.

When it comes to local SEO, it’s all about targeting your geographical location. This means using different keywords and running SEO checks on businesses and brands in your area. That will give you the best idea of how you can curate content to reach your locals.

3. Practicing Local SEO

There are some specific steps you can take when it comes to practicing local SEO that will ease the process and increase effectiveness. To start, you should claim and optimize your GMB, or Google My Business, listing. 

That listing is the business information that comes up when folks search for your industry in their area on Google. Optimizing it gives you control over what customers and clients find about you on Google. 

Beyond that, you should collect customer reviews to post on Google and in local online hubs. You should also focus on local link building on your site. That will encourage Google to rank your site as one of high authority in the area.

On top of those practices, you should listen to the buzz in your area. That will help you see what businesses and services people are looking for and where they’re searching.

2. Relevance of Local SEO

In the world of SEO and web content optimization, some folks wonder if local SEO is still relevant and worthwhile. When we say “some folks” we mean, the question comes up from time to time in the industry. 

The answer is, local SEO is absolutely worth the effort. A recent study found that 33% of local searches end up finding specific local results. That’s certainly a worthwhile number to optimize for.

1. Profitability of Local SEO

When done effectively, local SEO is known to offer one of the highest ROIs in comparison to many marketing methods. It’s a concentrated approach with specific goals you can measure against each month. Practicing local SEO for your website leads to increased profits over time.

Local SEO: Optimizing for Local Results 

Whenever you’re looking to learn more about local SEO, SEO in general, and the world of marketing, swing by the Papion Marketing blog. If you’re looking to boost your local SEO practices and find new business, reach out to Papion today! 

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